One to one selling is your typical “face to face selling” or direct selling approach.
Normally the process goes something along the lines of:
You phone the contact a number of times.
When you finally get hold of them you look to convince them to have a meeting with you.
You drive to your appointment.
You spend an hour with the person finding out their business, and presenting what you have to offer.
They say call me back in two weeks while they think about it.
Then you ring the person again a number of times trying to get in touch to see if they’ve had a chance to decide.
When you do get hold of them, you find out they’ve been buys and they hadn’t had a chance to review it, and they ask you to ring them back in about two weeks.
And so the process continues until you get a yes or no.
Sound familiar?
And if they are not, it starts over again.
At the end of the day, one to one selling wastes a whole lot of time and resources.
The process is so high-touch and often low-tech requiring so much time for what is often little to no result.
So, now we are in the digital age, isn’t it time to put smarter techniques in place?
One that doesn’t waste your time and sap your energy day after day?
One that doesn’t make your heart sink when because the client is focused on the price and not the value?
The truth is that the a switched on sales person is not experiencing these issues.
Apart from the inordinate amount of time you waste just trying to make contact with a person, there’s all the time you have to endure to educated a person.
The 3 Fatal Flaws in One to One Selling
Time to Educate.
Think for a moment, how often you’ve gone through the same story, overview, education process with each of those contacts.

"Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing"Miles Davis
If you spent 30 minutes each appointment educating your prospect, and you are seeing 3 prospects per day.
That’s 32.5 hours per month you are spending saying the same thing over and over and over again.
That’s almost 10 weeks of your year saying the same thing.
How depressing is that?
Pricing Objections
And then if that is not enough, then you get those dreaded price objections, right?
And that because you haven’t had enough time to properly educate the person around the benefits of your service.
If you had the luxury of time and you were able to really educate them well over a period of time they’d recognise the value and buy without hesitation.
It’s really difficult to get potential buyers to act with some degree of urgency.
So often when you are in the appointment it’s very hard to create the urgency for them to purchase.
While you can uncover their need, typically you again don’t have the time to get them to feel a sense of urgency.
"Whatever your goal in life, unless you develop a great urgency, what could be near will be far away."Jaggi Vasudev
They may want to confer with others about the decision. While they don’t necessarily NEED to do this, they want to, and that takes away the urgency.
You maybe selling a nice to have it’s hard to build up the urgency of purchasing a “nice to have” instead of “need to have” in that appointment.
And near impossible to do over the phone or by email for most potential buyers.
The Impact to You of One to One
You Don’t Hit Your Targets
The downside I’ve seen from one to one selling is that you can often be in a situation where your not hitting your targets.
And while the logic of numbers tell you can achieve your target, the reality is, with needing to book your appointment, do the appointment, follow up, and then keep your diary full, you end up having a busy week and then a quiet week.
Resulting in not hitting your targets.
Sound familiar?

Hamster Wheel
You constantly yo-yo from fest to famine and it's exhausting.
You can't serve the number of people you want to have the impact you desire.
What's the Solution?
Bathtub Marketing - and securing the Plug
Imagine your bath for a moment.
You have the bath itself for holding the water, your prospect and clients.
Your have a hot tap and cold tap for adding water, that you can turn on and off and adjust as required, this is your traffic and marketing efforts;
the plug hole for draining the bath, the general market that is trying to take your clients,
and lastly your bath plug to stop the water from draining away, which is your processes for nurturing and retaining clients, and converting prospects into clients (a.k.a. Sales Funnel).

For many businesses they have the cold tap on, frantically marketing to the cold market, and the bath plug is sitting on the bench by the bath, not in the bath where it should be.
Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.
Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.
Your Filter is called One to Many Selling.
Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.Input your text here! The text element is intended for longform copy that could potentially include multiple paragraphs.

What is One to Many Selling?
Because you are selling a service, it’s an educational sell.
When you educate people in a group rather than one to one, you can quickly filter out the people that aren’t ready or right.
Then the people that are ready, you can begin to see if they are a rock or gold.
Here’s what that looks like.
- Traffic
- Funnel
- Platform
- Presentation
- Followup (Discovery Call)
Your One-To-Many Selling System is SUPPORTED by
- Your Membership Platform

The One Danger
Not having a framework will make you spin your tyres and and go into overwhelm.
Benefits of Selling One to Many
1. Positions You as an Authority
A One-To-Many selling system is a high value and low-cost way to acquire new business opportunities by positioning you as an authority and industry expert.
By demonstrating your profound knowledge and expertise to one person in face-to-face conversation, you get an opportunity to build trust relationships.
When doing so for a wider audience, you pave your way to gain credibility of masses and establish yourself as an authority.
2. Saves Your Time
How much time is needed to educate each prospect?
30 – 40 minutes?
Add your travel time and the time you need to book the appointment, and you get an hour (if not more) in total.

"Focus on being productive instead of being busy."Tim Ferris
But if you are repeating the same presentation over and over again, all you have to do is set up a system which would allow you to address all your prospects at one time.
It will automate your efforts and save you a great deal of time, which you could leverage to look into new strategies, develop new products or even take a vacation.
3. Scales Up Your Business Automatically
A One-To-Many selling system means that you deliver your message en-masses, which increases your audience exponentially.
Compliment it with the right tools and processes, and you will be able to architect a profitable funnel which will help you too quickly scale up and put your income generation on autopilot.
4. Condense the Sales Cycle
A One-To-Many selling system condenses your normal sales cycle.
If it usually takes you seven day to 2 weeks to contact a prospect and take them from cold to sold, you’ll find a One-To-Many selling system can often achieve that same effect in just two or less.
5. Educate and Sell in One Sittings
We all know people buy on emotion.
It’s often based on the feelings and emotions you feel right then and there.
When you are selling One-To-Many, you're doing it through education.
You can reset the buying criteria that they came in with, and educate them on how to make a better buying choice related to what they desire, and show them how your service delivers that.
6. Creates Importance
A One-To-Many selling system is event based.
There is a difference to watching a comedy show, a concert or sporting event TV compared with seeing it live and in person.
There is something unique and different about being part of a live event.
A One-To-Many selling system delivered live will create that same feeling.
People place more of a priority on it when it’s live, compared to recorded.
Types of One-To-Many Selling
Here are four simple ways of selling one to many.
A presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the Web using video conferencing software.
Being an online event webinar can potentially attract a wide audience from all over the world thus increasing your outreach significantly.
What is especially great about webinars, they can have different form and structure depending on your goals: live, automated, on-demand.
Another exciting thing about webinar is that you can host your session from anywhere.
Live Events or Workshops
Free or low cost events, workshops or meetups lasting several hours are =the great ways to get hot leads into your business.
People who come to your meetup are not the random captive audience, they already expressed their interest in you and your business.
The upside of a live event or a workshop is that you don’t have to go into any technical details of the complicated technical equipment. All you need is yourself and your amazing presentation and speaking skills.
Certainly, workshop or event would entail some overheads, but it is still a great investment – you will get the chance to talk to people face-to-face!
Facebook Live
A new and popular Facebook feature, which allows you to make spontaneous callouts for your audience, update them on the news, share your thoughts, express your creativity, engage them and what not.
Apart from an opportunity to create interactive experiences for your community, it is an instant, real-time source of content.
The tool is great to find out your audience opinion, conduct polls and engage with your followers through answering their comments and enquiries in real time.
The important thing to remember here is to inform your community on your Facebook Live beforehand.
Again, all you need to hold a live session on Facebook is your device and Facebook account.
If you are always on a lookout for new and innovative ways of delivering content, you’ve probably already heard about or tried live-streaming.
It allows broadcasting live video content using a camera and a computer through the Internet, while the audience can view your presentation on their own devices.
There is a variety of tools that allow to do so, such as social media and live-streaming platforms.
You will have no choice but to deal with the tech setup here, but if you are exploring innovative ways to engage with your audience in real time, give it a short!
All these types are pre-scheduled and require you to inform your audience beforehand, but think of the time you save when you announce the scheduled time of your session, rather than making an appointment with every prospect individually.
There is no guarantee that you’ll get a huge audience, but you can use it to your advantage. Take it as a ‘pre-filter’ – people who opt in, care about your brand and find your content extremely useful. Thus, you are automatically targeting people who are more likely to convert and follow you further.
All the ways mentioned have their technical peculiarities and require definite pre-session marketing efforts, but they all serve one beneficial purpose for you – you can speak and sell to the masse and save a great deal of time!
Why Don't People Do this. What Stops them
I’m sure you are inspired enough to give it a go, but something holds you back…Well, this is typical for most of people.
And the lack of action is likely due to a murky cocktail of:
- A preoccupation with building an email list which would be big enough to start your one to many selling.
- A fear of putting tons of effort into setting up the session only for nobody to show up.
- A lack of confidence in speaking and presenting to the audience.
- Unwillingness (or fear?) to deal with the complex tech set-up which could despite of all your effort turn into glitchy disaster
However, the benefits of one to many selling are too tempting to ignore - it could be the key to scale and automate your growth while boosting your profit and giving you more freedom.
And if one to many selling technique is on your ‘do-to’ list, but you still have these concerns, let me show you an example that shows that the reality could prove the opposite.
Case Study
Here is a case study on Christina Force and how we have helped her with her photography and consultancy business.
Her coaching consultancy business was going really well. She had developed really good content for that. She was quite systems-minded, and she started using a marketing automation software, Infusionsoft.
At the time I met that her, her group-based programme was still actually very time intensive as she was doing an eight programme, doing a webinar once a week with that small group of around 10 to 15 people.
However, the problem was, she was she was also then doing a 30-minute one-on-one session with each of those participants individually.
All this was overwhelming her and making her feel really tired.
Just after I met her she sent me this email.
“I have decided that it’s just too much for me right now. I feel like I’ve invested in a jumbo jet when I only need a car (and I’m currently on foot)! The fact that I have to pay for additional services and add-ons when I have already invested heavily (for a business the size of mine) is just a bit taxing to be quite honest.”Christina Force
If someone else got that email maybe you’d have said, “ok, fair enough”.
I knew the value in a leveraged one-to-many selling system, I knew how to put the tech in place. I knew what she delivered was real value to her clients!
I went back and said let’s give it 30 days and let’s put in place a proper system.
First of all, I setup a solid content marketing campaign for her, to her list, which was only just 498 people, so not a very big list at all.
So with that list of 498 people, we put in place a simple sales page and a registration process for a webinar that she was going to deliver.
The purpose of this was just to execute an event based marketing strategy where there was a webinar, it was going to be live on a certain time and so we were focused on getting people to register for that webinar from her list.
It also allowed us to do that in a way where we could use a process that I call B-cubed, which is about putting in place a buyer behavior based marketing to the people.
Which is really just all about marketing to them in a way that they were interacting with the content that they're receiving, so we could customize the journey for them towards registering for that webinar.
The result of that was that?
First of all, we got a hundred people onto her webinar.
30 days later, and I mean 30 days exactly, I got this email from her saying.
I’ve had a crazy few days - I now have 11 people confirmed on my programme 🙂 Thanks for your help on all this- I couldn’t have done it without you!
Guess what that resulted in?
$54,000 in revenue banked in less than 30 days.
All with a list of just 498 people!!
We didn’t spend thousands on Facebook ads or other advertising. We just did a solid marketing campaign to her list. And she delivered the service in a leveraged way too.

What's the Best Way to Get Started with a One-To-Many Selling System
Everyone can agree that it is always better to sit with someone face-to-face when you first meet them.
However, it always takes time, the valuable time that could otherwise be spend on strategising and developing your business.
Likely, the modern digital world gives us the tools to make the most of our time and still get that face-to-face time in.
How to stop wasting efforts, put every bit of the energy into the right strategy and generate even more profits at the same time?
Create an effective webinar strategy that will save your time and pay off a hundredfold.
To make it work the webinar strategy should involve 4 key stages:
- Planning,
- Pre-webinar activities,
- Live presentation and
- Post-webinar activities.
The first thing to do when you plan your webinar is to create a webinar opt-in form that will attract your audience attention and give them a reason to attend your event.
Creating a visual, catchy and clear presentation goes a long way.
Get your audience interested - prepare a presentation that would allow you to engage with your attendees.
Never forget to double-test all your technical set-up to avoid unexpected troubles.
Then you can start your announcement and promotional email sequence.
The next batch of emails will be send to all people who register for your webinar.
Don’t forget about ‘Thank you’ emails with confirmation and webinar details, which are also a good opportunity for up-selling strategies.
Send your reminder emails one day before and on the day of your webinar - it will increase your turn up rates.
We all have busy lives, and it might just slip person’s mind that they registered to attend your webinar, so a timely reminder with the link taking them directly to your webinar room would definitely be of use.
To make it professional and engaging make sure to practice your presentation before the ‘big day’.
Keep an eye on comments people make during your webinar and answer all the questions.
Don’t forget to set up the follow-up sequence after your webinar.
Effective post-webinar marketing is an essential part of the whole strategy.
There is a whole bunch of components to consider and each requires special attention.
Not to get lost in all numerous guidelines you might find across the Web, check these common critical mistakes to avoid when you finally decide to host your first or next webinar.